Tuesday, July 19, 2011


There's nothing like a rainy moment after months of drought in Texas to really get you to sit down and write once and for all. Seriously, I've had this blog titled and ready to go with no post for quite some time now, watching the days go by, waiting for something worth writing about, something to start the posting off with a BANG.

And today, just as I was about to continue to ignore the blog to walk over to the neighborhood pool and get out of the air conditioned bubble that is my apartment to venture into the oppressive heat of the day, BANG, lightning struck.  Pool denied. So maybe it wasn't the great entrance I was hoping to have into the blogging world, but at least a kick in the right direction....in the direction of the chair in front of the computer, that is.

Gosh, I guess I'm a "blogger" now. I never thought I'd see the day. I used to think a blogger was an uber-nerd who sat in front of the computer in a star wars t-shirt, writing about star wars, hoping to find someone else to talk about star wars with, or maybe to buy a new t-shirt from. I guess that was a long time ago, because now I actually read blogs, have many friends that write their own, and have absolutely nothing against star wars, or nerds for that matter. So here goes.

I anticipate this blog is going to be a lot about everything and a bit about nothing at the same time. I have a hard time dedicating this blog to writing about only one topic, and so, I dedicate it to all topics, and to no one specific topic -- Here's to ramblings, reveries, and ruminations to come!

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